Electric wheelchair scooters, or mobility scooters, are specially designed for providing mobility to disabled people. Electric scooters are high performance in terms of speed as well as safety. They are adaptable, affordable, durable and come with reliable warranties. Power mobility scooters are a great economic alternative to electric wheelchairs. They are available as portable/travel, three-wheel and four-wheel, front-end drive and rear-end drive scooters. The cost of motorized scooters ranges between $900 and $3,200.
Electric wheelchair scooters are steered with a tiller, which is something like a bicycle's handlebar. They have speed control knobs to control speed between 1 and 5 mph. They can be disassembled for easy transportation. Since mobility scooters operate on gel cell batteries, they are safe for transport.
Electric wheelchair scooters are comprised of two kinds: Front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive mobility scooters. Front-wheel drive mobility scooters are basically for indoor use and for moving on leveled ground. They are powered by a 12-volt battery and have a range of 5-10 miles for each recharge.
Rear-wheel drive mobility scooters, on the other hand, can carry up to 250 to 350 pounds. Some heavy-duty models can even carry up to 500 lbs. Rear-wheel drive scooters are powered by two 12-volt batteries and can travel 15 to 20 miles per recharge.
A wide range of electric wheelchair scooters are available in the marketplace. Electric wheelchairs and scooters are being designed to suit individualized requirements. The latest models are more maneuverable, highly durable and lightweight. Most online as well as brick-and-mortar stores have experienced and expert staff to assist the customer when buying an electric wheelchair scooter. They also offer specialized services like maintenance and repair, provision of spares like cushions, tires and batteries, routine servicing as well as emergency services. There is also the option of buying used electric wheelchair scooters. All suppliers usually offer shipping services to the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and many other countries.
Some of the most popular electric scooter brands include, Sunrise Medical; Merits; Pride Medical Products; Tuffcare; Shoprider; Golden Technologies; Ranger; Palmer Industries; Quickie; Wheelchairs of Kansas; Roho; Winco; Gendron; Harmar Bruno; and Silver Star.
Electric Wheel Chairs Info provides detailed information about electric wheelchair lifts and scooters, used electric wheelchairs, electric indoor wheelchairs, Medicare, electric wheelchair reviews, and more. Electric Wheel Chairs Info is the sister site of Scooters Web.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kent_Pinkerton